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Archive of Published Issues: 2025

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://jcmsa.org.za/index.php/jcmsa
Title Journal of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa
Publisher AOSIS
Description The Journal of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa seeks to facilitate interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among healthcare professionals and researchers across different specialities and fields. The journal prioritises contributions, particularly emphasising the Southern African and African context while welcoming contributions from other regions. The Journal of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa promotes human rights, social justice, and non-discrimination in medicine, dentistry, and healthcare.
Keywords scientific journal; Colleges of Medicine of South Africa; medical and dental professions; medical research; scholarship; medical education; dental education; peer-reviewed; open access; skill; efficiency; ethical practice; basic medical sciences; medical knowledge; dental knowledge; medical practice; dental practice; interdisciplinary dialogue; multidisciplinary collaboration; healthcare professionals; researchers; Southern African context; African context; equity; diversity; inclusion; systemic barriers; access to care; quality of care; social determinants of health; poverty; inequality; environmental factors; human rights; social justice; non-discrimination; socially responsible research; Southern Africa; Africa
Language(s) English (en_US)
Publisher Email submissions@jcmsa.org.za

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